Ukrainian president orders demobilization of conscripts

travel2024-06-03 19:23:5363946
KIEV, March 7 (Xinhua) -- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday signed a decree to discharge conscripts of compulsory basic military service. The conscripted soldiers, whose term was extended due to martial law, will be transferred to the country's military reserve in April and May, according to the decree published on the presidential website. "At the request of the military command, a few weeks are needed for preparatory procedures -- for replacing people in terms of defense tasks, and from April, the conscripts will be sent to the reserve," Zelensky said on Telegram. Some of the conscripts have already signed a contract to serve in the defense forces, he added. Under the current legislation, Ukrainian men aged between 18 and 27, who were called up for compulsory military service, have not participated in the conflict with Russia. This month, the Ukrainian parliament is expected to vote on a new mobilization bill. The Ukrainian parliament imposed martial law in the wake of the conflict with Russia on Feb. 24, 2022, and extended it several times since then. 

(Editor:Wang Su)

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