Over 1,900 criminal rings busted as China intensifies crackdown on gang crimes

world2024-06-03 18:16:001
(Xinhua) 10:54, January 18, 2024

BEIJING, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- More than 1,900 criminal organizations involved in gang crimes were busted in 2023 as China intensified its fight against organized crime, the Ministry of Public Security said Wednesday.

Around 27,000 criminal suspects were apprehended and 29,000 criminal cases of various types were investigated amid this crackdown.

According to the ministry, in 2023, it supervised the handling of 37 major and complex organized crime cases, providing guidance and expert support in investigations.

Simultaneously, all-out efforts were made to hunt fugitives linked to organized crime, resulting in the apprehension of 1,222 individuals, including 117 from overseas.

Address of this article:http://venezuela.argoasecurityeu.com/news-25f499953.html


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